Professional Solutions

MIII Advisors stands as a leading independent investment banking and advisory firm, dedicated to providing expert advice on mergers and acquisitions to industrial companies across the globe.

Our team has a core competency in sell-side M&A, having sold business to leading private equity and strategic buyers across many industries.

Sell-side M&A Advisory Services

Sell-side M&A is our core competency, where we assist companies interested in exploring a sale or merger of all or part of their business.

When approaching a sell-side transaction, we consider the full-range of client interests, including price, structure, tax and legal treatment, and ongoing management and employee interests. MIII understands the unique and personal process of selling a family or closely held company and dedicates senior attention at all phases, which is critical to drive competitive tension that enables our team to negotiate a superior outcome for our clients.

Buy-side M&A Advisory Services

MIII’s advisory team is adept at pursuing and completing acquisitions in both auction processes and one-off negotiations. We support our clients with crafting an acquisition strategy, targets list, valuation analysis, value creation, negotiation, transaction structuring, and stakeholder transaction communications.

Sell-side M&A experience is a pillar of MIII’s buy-side advisory capabilities and our senior advisory team is uniquely qualified to identify the turning points and opportunities throughout the auction and negotiation process.

Capital Raising

MIII has extensive experience positioning companies to investors for raising organic growth or acquisitions capital. With extensive experience at leading global investment banks, we have a broad global network of investors. More importantly, we have the experience to identify and approach the right partners that provide strategic relationships in addition to capital.

MIII advisors has experience raising capital from traditional sources, such as venture capital and buyout funds, as well as alternative sources, such as family offices, endowments and hedge funds. Also, MIII has structured investments throughout the capital structure, from first lien debt to subordinated mezzanine debt and preferred or common equity.

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